Strange movie...funny at times, awkward/sad at others. Definitely not your usual Rogen movie and definitely misrepresented somewhat in the commercials. I don't think it really works as a coherent movie. It's so disjointed, and Rogen's character is such a sociopathic asshole you never feel like cheering for him (in fact I could see more viewers cheering against him). Good for the writer/director for trying something different, but I wasn't a big fan...
24 April 2009
Observe and Report (Jody Hill, 2009)
20 April 2009
Being John Malkovich (Spike Jonze, 1999)
Shane (George Stevens & Fred Guiol, 1953)
Very enjoyable classic Western that, like The Ox-Bow Incident which I "reviewed" recently, deals with themes stil relevant to its time. Interesting to note how ahead of its time it was, introducing a villain who would become the prototype for several other spaghetti Western villains down the line.
Clint Eastwood would pretty much remake this verbatim with Pale Rider but Shane is the far better film.
14 April 2009
The Shout (Jerzy Skolimowski, 1978)

Interesting, obscure British film from 1978 about a mysterious stranger with the power of a shout so loud it can kill people. He (Alan Bates) invites himself into John Hurt and his wife's home after becoming obsessed with Hurt's wife and he kind of makes life difficult for them. Tim Curry also has a minor role as the person Bates is recounting the story to (the entire film unfolds in a flashback). I was hoping for more but it's still a curious, surreal little movie that probably deserves better than the obscurity it seems confined to (no region 1 DVD and a pretty barebones European release).
12 April 2009
Knocked Up (Judd Apatow, 2007)
The Score (Frank Oz, 2001)
06 April 2009
Yojimbo (Akira Kurosawa, 1961)
I'm a big fan of A Fistful of Dollars, so of course I'd like the movie it was based on. I didn't really realize just how closely based on it it was until I saw Yojimbo...only the second Kurosawa movie I've seen (after Seven Samurai) and I liked both a good deal. Ran is up next on my long list of Kurosawa flicks to watch.