08 July 2008

La Antena (Esteban Sapir, 2007)

An Argentinian(?) movie about a town that lives in silence because the evil Mr. TV has stolen everybody's voice. So they communicate with subtitles (which the characters can see and interact with) but now Mr. TV is threatening to take away their words as well. So the protagonist, his father, his daughter, his ex-wife, The Voice (a hooded woman with the only voice in the city, Mr. TV forces her to sing on television every night) and The Voice's blind son set out to stop him, recover everybody's voice, and get a set of eyes for The Voice's son. It came out in 2007 but it's a silent, black and white movie. It had a lot of promise but the story was plodding and the idea was kind of worn out spread over the course of a full-length movie. My friends and I agreed that it would work better as an hour-long feature.

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