23 August 2009

Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino, 2009)

I'm really surprised so many people liked it. I saw it last night and thought it was incredibly boring, almost astonishingly self-indulgent, overlong, and just an all-around waste of time. The dialogue (Tarantino's forte) is generally uninteresting and too many scenes drag on for no real reason other than, from what I can tell, pure self-indulgence. The only interesting character (and the only one Tarantino bothered to develop) was Christoph Waltz's...and while he was good, I was underwhelmed considering he took Best Actor at Cannes and has been getting Best Supporting Actor Oscar buzz.
Brad Pitt was good when he was given something to do (the whole Italian-speaking scene was great) but he was criminally underused in the movie. We only really got to know a handful of the other Basterds and even then it was only in passing. You could have chopped at least an hour out of the movie and you wouldn't have lost any of the emotional impact (of which there was none, but nevertheless). Really disappointing.

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