04 December 2009

A Serious Man (Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, 2009)

The first half is fantastic, funnier than any comedy I've seen all year, and does a great job evoking (well I assume, I was never there) a Midwestern Jewish community in the late 60's. The second half is a bit of a downshift and things get almost too stereotypically "Coens" for me (this coming from a huge Coens Bros fan) - the existential questions, the abrupt ending, the jarring character turns...they've been done before and with greater effect in Barton Fink, Fargo and NCFOM and it feels like the brothers are going through the motions to a degree here. That said, A Serious Man is still a very good, enjoyable, and incredibly well-acted film, but it's a notch below their "A" material.

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