26 August 2010

Lake of the Dead (Kare Bergstrom, 1958)

1958 Norwegian "horror" movie, apparently counted among the best Norwegian movies ever. It's a story that still shows up in films today (I'm assuming the makers of Dead Snow were big fans) - a group of friends head up to an isolated cabin for some R&R, an urban legend about a jilted dead lover still haunting the area is told, one of the friends displays a seemingly supernatural connection with the lake, mysterious happenings occur. The film is sharply shot in black and white and contains a lot of beautiful, haunting gothic imagery, but (somewhat disappointingly) this is more of a whodunnit suspense/thriller than the creepy horror I was hoping for. A lot of time (and unnecessary plot exposition) is spent with the characters sitting around the cabin. In any event there was still a lot of interest here, and running not even an hour and a half in length, it's never a bore.

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