04 February 2011

The Fighter (David O. Russell, 2010)

I didn't like it but I couldn't really hate it either...it's a movie that glides by so inoffensively as to barely register one way or the other. The most offensive thing about is definitely Christian Bale's performance, which is so hammy and over the top it's downright distracting, and it's no coincidence the movie instantly becomes much more watchable when his character is tucked away in prison for a chunk of the middle section. It's never a good sign when an audience welcomes a break from a pivotal character. In fact I think Mark Wahlberg should buy Bale a nice steak dinner - standing next to Bale for much of the movie, Wahlberg's slightly wooden performance starts to look like a masterful execution of subtlety in acting. Amy Adams and Melissa Leo are both fine in their roles. Like Bale, they have the volume turned way up on their performances, but they at least reel it in at times. I don't know about Oscar worthy for either but Best Supporting Actress isn't looking like a particularly strong field this year anyway.
Having seen the movie I'm convinced more than ever that director David O. Russell getting a Best Direction nod over Christopher Nolan is the biggest joke of the year - while the fight scenes are well shot, there were some very bizarre directing choices, not the least of which includes constantly lingering far too long on Bale's goofy mug which prompts laughter before anything else. And some very strange editing too, especially in the beginning of the movie.

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