20 July 2011

The Wicker Tree (Robin Hardy, 2010)

These revistitation projects never work, but you always hold a little sliver of hope that the director won't totally embarass or cheapen his previous work. Robin Hardy's sequel to the Wicker Man is just disastrous on every single level. I would posit that it's actually worse than the Nick Cage Wicker Man remake because at least that one was hilarious. The film bears so little in common (thematically, stylistically, etc) with the Wicker Man I wanted to stay for the director Q&A and ask him if he'd ever seen his original film.
The less I say about this POS, the better. The characters are completely ludicrous, the plot is barely existent, the music (sing-a-longs, more like) are pathetic compared to the original, the constant jabs at religion are childish, the comedy is ill-conceived and lands with a thud, and there isn't a single ounce of anything creepy or haunting or remotely similar to the atmosphere of the original. Even if you don't compare it to the Wicker Man and consider it on its own, it's got less than nothing going for it. Just depressing.

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