15 November 2011

J. Edgar (Clint Eastwood, 2011)

This is a holy mess of a movie, which would be slightly more forgiveable if it were shorter, but it crams so much into a ridiculous 2h30m (or thereabouts) running time that it becomes a tedious chore about halfway in. There are some good parts (the acting is the highlight) and the movie is interesting just by virtue of Hoover himself and the time he lived in...but this is not a good film. The pace is just completely off - the movie struggles in a big way to find any kind of rhythm or build or climax and it just feels like bits of Hoover's life loosely strung together. And I know a lot of people have mentioned it but the make-up is definitely a problem - Naomi Watts is best, Armie Hammer is worst, and DiCaprio is somewhere in the middle, and too often you're reminded of the fact that you're watching actors in plastic and make-up instead of being able to get lost in the story. Just a weird, forgettable misstep.

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