02 December 2011

The Skin I Live In (Pedro Almodovar, 2011)

This is the first Pedro Almodovar movie I've ever seen. The man certainly is a visual master - every shot is sumptuous, beautifully framed and magnificently photographed. He also draws strong performances from just about everyone in the movie. The story, adapted by Almodovar from a novel called Tarantula, is confounding. It's not that it's hard to follow, but it's told in such a bizarre rhythm that you can almost feel the movie jerking along instead of running smoothly. Maybe that was the goal but personally I found it frustrating, and it also left me feeling fairly distant from anything that was happening in the movie. But I have to give him credit for a completely original, artistic approach to what could have been Human Centipede-type shlock. At the end I found myself liking it more than I thought I would in the early goings, but I had to force myself to stick with it at times, that's for sure.

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