27 February 2012

The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)

This has to be a real anomaly in Hitchcock's filmography...it's an out-and-out horror movie, and more than a little campy. In terms of horror, I think Psycho aged a lot better than this one. But at the same time, I think Hitchcock was having more fun with it than maybe some people realized - I think quite a bit of it is tongue-in-cheek. There are still some remarkable sequences, usually involving the birds slowly assembling near Tippi Hendren's character. A scene with her smoking on a bench while they materialize is exquisite.
I also have to point out that, despite Hitchcock's work with leading ladies, Tippi Hendren was god awful. No idea what he saw in her, but I digress. Still very enjoyable.

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