16 December 2014

Side Effects (Steven Soderbergh, 2013)

I will confess that for the first 30 minutes of this movie I thought that it was actually Contagion. Not that I put the wrong movie in or whatever but that I thought Side Effects' plot was the plot of Contagion. So for a while I was waiting for Kate Winslet to show up and stuff.
Anyway I just looked up Side Effects on Rotten Tomatoes and to my surprise it has an 83%. Not that it's a bad movie but I guess I expected more "meh" reactions, like my own. It felt kind of thin to me as a movie - like the plot would make for a decent airplane novel, but as a movie, it felt like it was missing some meat. All the acting is good and the twisty plot is entertaining enough, albeit a little implausible at times. There's an interesting dilemma posed about halfway through the movie about the responsibility doctors face in treating their patients but this isn't given a whole lot of attention once another twists takes center stage.
This movie felt like a throwback to the "psychological thrillers" that everyone was obsessed with in the late 90's/early 00's, albeit one of the flimsier ones. I just wasn't terribly thrilled, or even roped in much by its plot. Soderbergh's direction is fine, if rather anonymous by some of his standards.

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