15 October 2015

The Martian (Ridley Scott, 2015)

I enjoyed it. The first two-thirds were a little by-the-numbers "good but not great" territory but the third act definitely gives it a big hand in terms of making it a movie worth your time. The acting is fine, the script is a little banal but it does the job and the SFX are great. I could have done with maybe one or two fewer sassy Matt Damon quips and the intentionally campy soundtrack trope a la Guardians of the Galaxy was kind of irritating and unnecessary. Similarly, the "young wacky genius who comes up with a theory that no one else thought of to save the day" trope should be taken out back and shot. Ignoring the movie's reliance on these well-worn devices (which isn't that hard to do, really) it's a very fun experience. Like Gravity and Interstellar before it, it's definitely one to see in the biggest theatre possible.

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