12 July 2009

Love Exposure (Sion Sono, 2008)

Jesus...fucking brilliant movie written and directed by Sion Sono. Any attempt to summarize the plot will completely fail to do the movie justice, but basically it's the story of a 17-year old guy looking for the love of his life and then trying to be with her once he finds her. But it's so, so, so much more. Considering the movie is 4 hours long, it would have to be. But honestly, if my ass wasn't so sore, I wouldn't have known it was 4 hours, and not a moment is really wasted. The script is insane, but it's hilarious and sweet and stomach-turning and throught-provoking all at once, and the two main leads are great too...I don't really know what to say except if you get the chance to see it, don't be intimidated by its running time - go!

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