17 July 2010

A Serbian Film (Srdjan Spasojevic, 2009)

Switching gears entirely, A Serbian Film is a new film from Serbian director Srdjan Spasojevic, and it is easily one of the most harrowing, disturbing movies I've ever seen, and I've seen a few. The plot is a retired porn star is coaxed back into action by a director with a vision for a new kind of "real" porn (and a boatload of cash), but quickly finds he's bitten off more than he can handle as he's put into increasingly fucked up (there can be no other term) situations. Thematically the movie reminded me a lot of Irreversible - not only in terms of disturbing content but in the way the whole movie makes you feel wrong and dirty. But like Irreversible I thought ASF worked on a higher level than just a shock piece. The acting was really great too, and that helped a lot. I have to say, I've never seen a movie filled with as much hatred and loathing for the country that birthed it than this one. It's metaphor is blatantly unsubtle but hammered home with such ferocity, it's hard not to be impressed. Well, impressive to me, but really, really, really not for everyone.

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