08 January 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (David Fincher, 2011)

David Fincher's adaptation trounces the earlier Swedish adaptation, which now seems completely elementary in comparison, but still can't best its source material. As in the Swedish film, a lot of the cuts are smart and logical. Craig and Mara are great; Mara steals the show as Fincher had pretty much set her up to do. The script is smart and never drags, despite the 2h45m runtime. In the end, though (and maybe this is also due to the source material), it feels like it's missing a big catharsis, like it should culminate to something massive and never does. This movie cements my belief even more now that the ending of Larsson's novel is helplessly clunky (though Fincher's version mercifully does away with all that Australia stuff) and unfortunately it drags down what is otherwise an excellent, exciting and sexy thriller.

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