30 August 2013

The Attack (Ziad Doueiri, 2012)

An interesting movie about an Arab surgeon in Tel Aviv named Amin who discovers that a recent suicide bombing was perpetrated by his wife of 15 years. The brunt of the movie is him coming to terms with this fact and searching for answers.
It's a good movie, technically well made, very well acted, and dances a very delicate political and religious line but without ever really passing judgment. In fact the movie almost keeps Amin at arm's distance - for someone who lost his wife of 15 years and who was harbouring feelings completely foreign to Amin, his grief doesn't get much screen time. Maybe the writer was afraid that if you show Amin weeping over a suicide bomber's death (even if it was his wife), it would already be asking the audience to empathize with a monstrous act. By the same token, the movie also impresses in its refusal to provide Amin (or the audience) with simple answers, but this too proves somewhat distancing, leaving the movie and its story, with such potential for emotional impact, a little dry.
Also I looked up afterwards who did the music because I would have sworn on anything you put in front of me it was Explosions in the Sky. Turns out it's a guy named Eric Neveux doing a very believable Explosions in the Sky impression. Regardless who it was it fit the movie very well.

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