18 January 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (David Fincher, 2008)

Just got back from this tonight...I don't know, it just didn't do anything for me. I rarely felt anything during the 3 hour running time. I didn't connect with the Benjamin Button character so I was never really moved by what happened to him. The acting was fine, not exceptional but certainly not bad. I'm a huge Pitt fan but it seemed like he was letting his makeup do most of the acting, which was unfortunate. I dunno, I don't really know what to say about it, it just never gripped me like I expected it to. It's well-directed, very nice cinematography, fine acting, all the bells and whistles, but no real substance. The three other people I saw it with felt pretty much the same. We all left feeling kind of unfulfilled, I think.

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