13 January 2009

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (David Lynch, 1992)

I finished watching the series, and watched the prequel film last night...and it was pretty disappointing. The series was on a steep decline after Laura's killer is revealed, then Lynch steps back in and rescues it with the great series finale, and then does...something...with the film, I'm not entirely sure what he was going for. I "got" (I think) and liked the resolution with Cooper's character in the Black Lodge with Laura but I guess I was hoping more questions would be answered and that it would be more closely related to the series...instead it created more plotholes and more questions. But that's Lynch for you.
The DVD box was also pretty misleading, giving the impression that Kyle MacLachlan, Chris Isaak and David Bowie were starring in this movie when their roles barely rise above cameo status (Bowie's certainly is nothing more than that).
Apparently they intended to make more Twin Peaks movies, and that almost 2-3 hours of footage was cut, which makes the whole series + film an incomplete portrait, so it sucks to think of what it could've been instead of what it is - occasionally brilliant, often messy and convoluted.

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