30 January 2010

The Burrowers (J.T. Petty, 2008)

I thought a horror Western sounded like an interesting if potentially disastrous proposition, and unfortunately The Burrowers leans towards the latter. Most of the acting is acceptable, the sparse Western scenery is nice, and the soundtrack is pleasantly understated, but those are about the only good points. The plot is lame and advances at a snail's pace, the scares are unoriginal and repetitive, and the biggest flaw of all are the "burrower" creatures themselves. More laughable than scary and often vague blurs on the screen (due to CGI budget constraints I assume), they're a real letdown when they finally make their appearance and a comedy act in the final scene. Credit to writer/director J.T. Petty for trying something new, but, like his previous film S&Man, it just doesn't work.

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