19 January 2010

The Room (Tommy Wiseau, 2003)

As a "so bad it's good" movie, The Room is as bad as it gets. A Plan 9 for the 21st century? I didn't laugh this much at most intentional comedies I've seen lately. Written/directed/produced/starring Tommy Wiseau (who bears a striking resemblance to Phil Hartman's Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer from SNL and talks like a foreign stroke victim impersonating Christopher Walken), The Room is best described as a film made by aliens trying to approximate what humans would do when making a movie, because that's what it feels like. It's almost unfathomable that somebody (Wiseau) could have thought any of this was actually halfway decent, yet the movie is so genuinely inept on every level there's no possible way it was intentional, despite Wiseau's current claims. A lot of "so bad it's good" movies don't live up to the hype, or they get tedious as the film wears on and become less enjoyable - not this one.

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