19 October 2012

Insurgence (Group d'Action en Cinema Epopee, 2012)

A zero for content, and a zero for the fact that Insurgence isn't a movie. Rather, it's a collection of footage shot during the Quebec "Printemps Erable" student riots - no narration, no interviews, no context, just "as if you were there" footage from the left-wing Group d'Action en Cinema Epopee. This is little more than "protest porn" - shot by protestors for protestors who only have to flex the minimum amount of brain cells it takes to cheer at rocks being throw at cops, mocking Nazi salutes, and chanting "fuck la police" or "SSPVM".
Without delving too much into politics, I consider myself something of a moderate on the issue of the strike - while I agree with some of the issues the students raised, I was against the strike and especially against the means used to achieve their end. Quebec has a history of thinking more highly of itself than is warranted, and nowhere has that embarrassing sense of self-entitlement ever been more evident than when watching Insurgence - people wearing Canada Goose down jackets and clutching Louis Vuitton taking pictures of themselves next to riot cops with their iPhones for their new Facebook profile picture, without a clue in the world about what constitutes actual oppression, fascism, and Nazism.
It struck me watching the idiocy before my eyes that a right-wing group could have just as easily put out a documentary ridiculing the protesters - and they would have used the exact same footage found here.

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