29 July 2013

Doomsdays (Eddie Mullins, 2013)

An ultra-black comedy about two friends, Bruho and Fred, who live homeless in the cottage countryside, breaking into houses, taking and eating what they need, and destroying cars and possessions along the way. There's no apocalypse to speak of, but they believe it's coming. And as Fred puts it, "if you're on the Titanic and you know there's no boat for you, why not live it up at the bar?".
Bruho and Fred are pretty unsympathetic characters without any of the chemistry that made The Battery a joy. In fact the movie drags quite a bit until they take along a nerdy wannabe and a girl that Fred shacks up with - and their partnership has to deal with the tensions brought by such an expansion.
The humor doesn't always work, and the movie doesn't have a tremendous amount to say. So you have a film that could have been really hilarious and really poignant, and falls short of both. It has its moments but it's hard not to feel like an opportunity has been missed.

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