22 July 2013

Lesson of the Evil (Takashi Miike, 2012)

Takashi Miike's other new movie, supposedly more of a return to his "controversial" and shocking past...ehh only sorta. It's another high budget affair (I don't think Miike has to worry about not finding backers anymore regardless of what he wants to do) but it is a little more transgressive...essentially a well-liked teacher, in response to a variety of logical and illogical circumstances, loses his mind and mows an entire class of students down with a shotgun. More or less.
Of course, the image of a teacher stalking his students and shooting them in cold blood is a little unsettling, but the movie is too cartoonish to really be offensive in any measure. It's not really saying much, and its plot kind of jerks forward making some weird detours along the way. I don't know, it's not inventive enough like a Battle Royale, but it's not funny enough in its absurdity either, so it's just kind of there.

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