11 February 2015

Birdman (Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, 2014)

Not going to lie, I was a little bit expecting to be more blown away than I was, rather than just pretty entertained, amused, and impressed by Innaritu's rather insane vision and execution. I'm actually surprised the Academy has latched on to this movie as much as they have, it's arguably one of the strangest Best Picture nominees since...well I don't know. Since a long time ago, it feels.
All the acting was great, especially Keaton and Norton, and I loved the jazzy drum score. The one-shot (but not really) technique was all it was hyped to be, and very well done. If anything the film lacks an emotional punch I was expecting/hoping for, which I think goes a lot of the way to explaining why I didn't like it more than I did. i.e. remaining impressed by it as opposed to being enthralled with it. I do feel like it's a movie that would grow on me with repeated viewings. And hopefully its widespread acclaim leads to more movies that take the kind of chances this one does.

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