05 August 2008

2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968)

Finally got around to seeing this monster...I'll freely admit that the end of the movie baffled me and I had to get on Wiki/IMDB to see exactly what was going on. But according to Kubrick and Clarke it's supposed to raise more questions than it answers, so I don't feel too bad. Usually I'm bad for falling asleep watching DVDs (and I caught myself starting to nod off on occasion) but for the most part I was awake and engaged, which is impressive considering all the nothingness in the movie. Spoilers: My only complaint was that I thought HAL "turned" too quickly...it would have been better if more of those 2.5 hours was given to HAL losing confidence in the mission/in the other crew members and then taking matters into his own hands But other than that I enjoyed it. Must have been a trip to see all those effects back in '68 when it first came out.

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