16 August 2008

Sicko (Michael Moore, 2007)

I saw Bowling For Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 and while both are entertaining, they also are more (ahem) "liberal" with facts than they needed to be. So I was skeptical about seeing this one but it really, really impressed me. Yes Moore still has an obvious agenda, uses extremely small sample sizes to back-up his "research" and never shows both sides of the story (as a Canadian I can tell you that free health care isn't as glorious as it seems and not everybody is as ecstatic about it as the film portrays - and I hear similar things regarding England, France and Cuba's health care as well) but to pick on his bias is to completely miss or blatantly ignore the point of the movie. Even disregarding how other countries do it, America's health care system is still downright terrifying. Kicking obviously sick people out onto the streets just because they can't pay their bills? I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself. It's kinda weird that something that's such a non-issue to myself and other non-Americans (to be able to walk into a clinic and get free treatment) is a major, life-altering (and sometimes fatal) experience for some people. And the part about the people who have insurance getting screwed the most was even more scary, when you think about it.
I like how Moore didn't give himself nearly as much face time in this one, and how he veered away from his typical attempts at humor with over-the-top cartoons and the like. Definitely the best of the three I've seen.

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