17 March 2015

Arachnophobia (Frank Marshall, 1990)

I only half-remembered this from my childhood so I decided to watch it when it was on TV the other day. It's actually still pretty good. The "spider invasion", implausible as it may seem, is well done. Keeping the spiders out of most of the movie (except for the single ones here or there that do the killing) is classic monster movie staging, saving the huge swarms of little ones and the queen for the very end, and it works very well. Jeff Daniels' war in the cellar with the big mother spider is more than a little silly but I guess a big confrontation was needed. I was surprised at how effective the movie still is - anyone who is even remotely not fond of spiders will probably feel their skin crawl a few times. I wasn't sure how I felt about John Goodman's kind of jokey exterminator character - overall I liked him but could have done without some of the cornier scenes he was in. Not a horror classic or anything but a well-made and creepy enough movie.

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