02 March 2015

Under the Skin (Jonathan Glazer, 2013)

I felt especially compelled to finally watch this after someone reviewed it here and said it reminded them of David Lynch and after seeing all those okayish Oscar movies I needed a blast of something weird. Well it didn't remind me too much of Lynch but I enjoyed it and it was certifiably weird at times, although ultimately told an interesting and rather depressingly tragic story. The "feeding" scenes, I guess you could call them, are monumentally impressive and hypnotic, and I found myself wishing the movie was made of more of those and less of Scotland (although the visuals are pretty impressive all around).
The movie felt like it lost a little steam at about the 3/4 mark and had a hard time transitioning from the middle to the end. It's not the masterpiece certain indie film websites keep telling me it is but it's a very cool and very original movie and I dig it.

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