16 March 2015

Children of Men (Alfonso Cuaron, 2006)

If you'd never seen Children of Men but only had to imagine it based on what you were told about it (the actors, a loose sketching of the plot, maybe the director), what you'd envision would be pretty much exactly the same as the final product. At least it was for me. I mean yeah it was good in just about all areas but didn't do anything particularly extraordinarily, although the initial concept and premise was intriguing. I don't normally care much for Clive Owen but he was a good fit here.
Speaking of extraordinary, the unbroken tracking shot at the climactic 'battle" scene is very impressive, but when the movie built up to an impressive trick of camerawork or direction instead of something that actually serves the story, it's hard not to feel like it's a bit showy and gimmicky. I mean yeah from a technical standpoint it was impressive but I feel like it was also there to make up for the fact that the movie didn't really have a whole lot to say in the end (or by the end) and this was just fancy window-dressing to obscure that fact.

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