20 October 2013

Blue is the Warmest Color (Abdellatif Kechiche, 2013)

This was pretty much what I thought it would be, after hearing the hype for so long, but it still knocked me over, owing in large part to the two performances by the lead actresses – they are phenomenal. The movie may be “about” Adele but what I really loved and felt was a universal sentiment was how far the relationships we form in those formative teenage years are carried with us and help to shape us for the rest of our lives. It’s something I’ve always felt was true and, though I’ve seen a lot of ‘coming of age’ stories, I’ve rarely seen one that encapsulated that feeling as well as Blue did.
As far as the sex scenes, my initial reaction is to say ‘get over it’ on the grounds that it’s ridiculous in 2013 we’re all still so afraid of sex…but I would also argue that in Blue they’re essential and not at all gratuitous. The lust and sex between Emma and Adele was so endemic to their relationship that we would never have gotten the passion we do from those scenes if they were censored or if they were hidden under conveniently-positioned sheets. I feel like anyone objecting to them either forgets what it was like to be a lust-filled, hormone-ridden teenager (sad) or was never one to begin with (sadder).

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