15 October 2013

Tom at the Farm (Xavier Dolan, 2013)

Keeping Xavier Dolan’s last movie, Laurence Anyways, in mind, I expected a little melodrama in Tom at the Farm, and I definitely got it. But I found it to be refreshing, not self-conscious and not ironic and it made for a stronger movie. The workings of the film itself are very interesting, as what initially starts out as a contemplative study of homophobia and attraction and family relationships gives way to something approaching a thriller, which could have been very messy in the hands of a clumsier director. Instead Tom at the Farm maintains its tension almost impeccably, relying on incredible performances from its small ensemble cast, and is consistently enthralling. The use of an unsubtle string score was another gamble I felt paid off, really pulling you into the atmosphere of a psychodrama in a Hitchcock/Herrmann style. I feel like the ending was a bit of a misstep, or perhaps I built myself up too much for a final reveal or twist that was never in the cards. That tiny quibble aside it’s an excellent movie.

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