15 October 2013

Jealousy (Philippe Garrel, 2013)

I’m a big fan of Philippe Garrel’s 1968 experimental film Le Revelateur, and I’ve always wanted to see his 1972 film that looks even crazier, Le Cicatrice Interieur. I haven’t heard much of him in the intervening years so I checked out Jealousy, his fourth consecutive film starring his son Louis. Louis plays an actor with an ex-wife, a new girlfriend, and a young daughter. The film focuses mainly on Louis and his girlfriend’s indiscretions and the titular emotion it evokes in both of them, but briefly touches on the jealousy felt by his ex-wife at their daughter’s new relationship with Louis’ girlfriend. It’s a pretty rote examination of jealousy, almost entirely unremarkable save for the charming performance of the young girl playing the daughter. With a paper thin plot and barely clocking in at over an hour in length, this feels like a minor effort indeed from someone who did some way more interesting things 40 years ago.

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