20 October 2013

Heli (Amat Escalante, 2013)

Mexico's entry for Best Foreign Language Film focuses on a teenager named Heli, his wife, their baby, his sister and his father, all of whom live together in relative poverty. Heli's sister's boyfriend steals drugs from the Mexican government, planning to buy their way out of town. Heli gets caught up in it and the government immediately catches on and generally makes their life miserable.
It's a well-made movie, also tough and contains some pretty disturbing and graphic scenes...it serves as a hell of an indictment of the Mexican government but I didn't think it imparted much about its characters and how they responded to their experiences in the film. It felt a little inert in that sense, and it's a movie I don't think will resonate with me for very long. Strangely, it won the "Louve d'Or" as the best film in the festival's main competition, so I guess not everyone shares my opinion on its staying power.

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